70% of Generation Z uses generative AI, but who are the “super users”?

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70% of Generation Z use generative AI, but who are the

Since the release of ChatGPT last November, generative AI has proven to be a powerful technology that can help to complete a whole series of daily tasks. However, a new study shows that only members of a specific generation use generative AI to its full potential.

On Thursday, Salesforce released its Generative AI Snapshot Research: The AI Divide study, which surveyed more than 4,041 people aged 18 or older. The survey revealed that while half (49%) of those surveyed have used generative AI, the figures vary considerably between different age groups.

Specifically, generative AI users are concentrated among the youngest, 65% of them being Millennials or members of Generation Z, that is to say people born between 1981 and 2012, according to the Pew Research Center.

Generation Z and Millennials are the “super users” of generative AI

Gen Z respondents are the most invested in generative AI, with 70% of them saying they use the technology and 58% saying that generative AI helps them make decisions. “Generation Z is paving the way for generative AI. It saves them time, helps them get organized and is considered fun to use,” says Salesforce.

Generation Z and Millennials are the “super users” of generative AI, that is, users who use the technology frequently and think they are about to master it. Almost half (48%) of Gen Z members think they are close to mastering technology.

72% of generative AI users have a job

A person’s professional status is another factor that has a significant impact on the use of generative AI technology; 72% of generative AI users have a job.

Unsurprisingly, 68% of non-users belong to Generation X or the baby boomer generation, that is, people born between 1946 and 1980, according to the Pew Research Center. This lack of commitment can be explained by the fact that most non-users (88%) do not know exactly what impact generative AI will have on their lives.

A lack of education and safety concerns may also be at the origin of this hesitation. Among non-users, 70% said they would use generative AI more if they knew more about the technology, and 64% would use it more if it was safer.

Source: “ZDNet.com “

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