ARKit vs ARCore: Which One is Better for Your App?

Estimated read time 4 min read

As augmented reality (AR) technology continues to grow, many developers are considering which AR development platform to use for their apps. Two of the most popular platforms are ARKit and ARCore. In this article, we will compare and contrast these two platforms to help you determine which one is better for your app.

ARKit vs ARCore: What are they?

ARKit is an AR development framework created by Apple for iOS devices. It allows developers to create interactive AR experiences that can be accessed through the iPhone or iPad’s camera. ARKit supports a wide range of AR features, including tracking surfaces, adding 3D objects, and creating animations.

ARCore, on the other hand, is an AR development platform created by Google for Android devices. It allows developers to create immersive AR experiences that can be accessed through any Android device with a camera. ARCore also supports a wide range of AR features, including tracking surfaces, adding 3D objects, and creating animations.

ARKit vs ARCore: Pros and Cons

Both ARKit and ARCore have their pros and cons, so it’s important to consider which one is best for your app. Here are some key factors to consider:



  • Strong integration with Apple’s ecosystem: If you’re already using Apple’s development tools, ARKit may be the better choice for your app. It integrates seamlessly with other Apple apps and services, such as iCloud and Game Center.
  • Large developer community: There is a large and active community of ARKit developers who can provide support and resources to help you develop your app.
  • Simple and easy-to-use APIs: ARKit has simple and easy-to-use APIs that make it easier to create AR experiences.


  • Limited support for Android devices: ARKit is only available on iOS devices, so if you want to reach a wider audience, you may need to consider using ARCore or another platform.
  • Limited availability of third-party tools and resources: There are fewer third-party tools and resources available for ARKit than there are for ARCore.



  • Strong integration with Google’s ecosystem: If you’re already using Google’s development tools, ARCore may be the better choice for your app. It integrates seamlessly with other Google apps and services, such as Google Drive and Google Play.
  • Support for both iOS and Android devices: ARCore can be used on both iOS and Android devices, which means you can reach a wider audience with your app.
  • Wide range of third-party tools and resources: There are many more third-party tools and resources available for ARCore than there are for ARKit.


  • Steep learning curve: ARCore has a steeper learning curve than ARKit, which can be off-putting for some developers.
  • Limited support from Apple: Because ARKit is an Apple platform, it may receive less support and updates than ARCore, which is developed by Google.

ARKit vs ARCore: Case Studies

To help you make a decision about which platform to use, let’s look at some real-life examples of apps that have been developed using both ARKit and ARCore.

Apple’s own ARKit demo app, "SceneKit," is an excellent example of what can be achieved with ARKit. The app allows users to explore a virtual 3D scene in their environment using the iPhone or iPad’s camera.

Google’s own ARCore demo app, "AR Stickers," is also a great example of what can be achieved with ARCore. The app allows users to place digital stickers on real-world surfaces using their Android device’s camera.

ARKit vs ARCore: Real-Life Examples

Let’s take a look at some real-life examples of apps that have been developed using both ARKit and ARCore to see how they compare.

IKEA Place: IKEA Place is an AR app that allows users to visualize furniture in their home before purchasing it. The app was

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