Data economy: the TEMS media sign with Dawex

Europe has lost the cloud battle. She still hopes to get out of the fray on that of data and the data economy. To achieve this, the Commission has defined a European data strategy. The ambition: the creation of a single data market.
In this context, Europe encourages companies in the major sectors (banking, automotive, agriculture, etc.) to organize the construction of data spaces. This project is on a good track in the field of media.
Distribution of data products in Europe
An alliance of 43 organizations from the Media and Tech sectors across Europe aims to design the Media Data Space. Among the participants are, among others, AFP, France Télévisions and the National Audiovisual Institute.
The construction of a data space, intended to facilitate exchanges and guarantee trust, requires technological bricks. It is the publisher Dawex who has been chosen to bring the central component of the TEMS exchange (Trusted European Media Data Space).
The company is already involved in several European data space projects, with the Agdatahub bringing together agriculture and agri-food, but also the Space Data Marketplace on spatial data.
Thanks to the Data Exchange solution, the TEMS and its members therefore wish to pool their data. More precisely, it is for media groups to distribute and share data products.
The key data for the adoption of AI
The data space is supported by the European Commission’s Digital Europe Programme. It brings together organizations from 14 EU countries and must contribute to the economic development of local and regional media ecosystems.
The circulation of data within the sector aims to feed new services to address sectoral issues, such as the fight against disinformation and audience analysis, but also to promote the adoption of AI.
The TEMS consortium intends to do this “to provide any interested media actor with free access to a common data space. This is to help with the digital transformation and improve the competitiveness of the European media industry.”