Generative AI: France creates a committee to adapt its strategy

The disruption introduced by generative artificial intelligence has not escaped the French government. This “recent” arrival at the “heart of our daily lives” raises many questions according to the head of government, Elisabeth Borne.
At European level, the legislator has already reacted by introducing new provisions to the AI Act – not necessarily to the liking of companies. France favors another method with the creation of a generative AI committee.
AI and the battle for sovereignty
Their work will be at the start of the next phase of France’s national strategy, initiated in 2018 by President Macron. A second phase followed, announced in November 2021. This new cycle was accompanied in particular by the launch of a device dedicated to trusted AI.
Generative AI, compared to a Sputnik effect by the deputy director of Crédit Agricole during the AI For Finance Conference, justifies adaptations. Or even to think “outside the framework” for the leader.
“The resulting technological and social upheavals [Ndlr : GenAI] prove that the battle for sovereignty passes through the mastery of these algorithms”, considers the executive. In order to help him in this battle, the government therefore surrounds itself with a committee of 15 experts.
The French representatives of two American digital giants find their place there. This is the case for Joëlle Barral, scientific Director at Google, and Yann Le Cun, Chief AI Scientist at Meta.
Opponents of the current AI Act as members
He has often spoken in recent months about OpenAI and generative AI in general, Renault’s scientific director, Luc Julia is also part of the committee, but as an “expert in generative artificial intelligence.”
Like its CEO, Luc Julia signed in July an open letter addressed to the European institutions. Large companies and their bosses were alarmed about the impact of the future regulations, the AI Act.
The rapporteur of the text in Parliament, MEP Dragoș Tudorache, regretted “the aggressive lobbying of a few”. This initiative “unfortunately undermines the undeniable lead that Europe has taken”, he still lamented.
Luc Julia finds in the committee several other signatories, including Gilles Babinet, also co-president of the CNNum, Cédric O, the former Secretary of State for digital, Arthur Mensch, founder of Mistral AI.
Training, investment and regulation
The new committee is chaired by Philippe Aghion, an economist specializing in innovation, and Anne Bouverot, president of the ENS Board of directors. These selected members have six months to make “concrete” proposals.”
They will have to “contribute to informing Government decisions and make France a country at the forefront of the artificial intelligence revolution.”In the shorter term, it is a question for the executive to adapt the national AI strategy.
The government has already identified several axes: the strengthening of training to equip France with “more talents”; investment in favor of French innovation to pull it on the international scene; finally an “adapted regulation of the various sectors to protect against abuses.”