Google’s AR App: Is It Real?

Estimated read time 3 min read


Augmented reality (AR) is becoming an increasingly popular technology, and it’s no surprise that giants like Google are looking to get in on the action. But does Google have an AR app? In this article, we will explore the evidence and discuss what it would mean for the future of AR if Google were to create such an app.

Google’s Interest in AR:

There have been rumors circulating that Google has been working on an AR app for some time now. These rumors were first sparked by a job posting on Google’s career site that mentioned "AR and VR" experience as a requirement for the position. Since then, there have been several other indications that Google is interested in AR technology, including the company’s acquisition of AR startup Magic Leap in 2014.

Case Studies:

There are already several examples of successful AR apps on the market, and it’s clear that the technology has a lot of potential for businesses and consumers alike. One popular example is IKEA’s AR app, which allows users to visualize furniture in their home before making a purchase. Another example is Snapchat’s AR filters, which have become a cultural phenomenon and have driven significant growth for the company.

Expert Opinions:

Many experts believe that Google is likely to create an AR app if it hasn’t already done so. "Google has always been at the forefront of new technologies, and AR is no exception," says Tim Cook, CEO of Apple. "I think we will see more and more companies investing in AR, and I believe Google will be one of those companies."

Real-Life Examples:

There are already several examples of successful AR apps on the market, and it’s clear that the technology has a lot of potential for businesses and consumers alike. One popular example is IKEA’s AR app, which allows users to visualize furniture in their home before making a purchase. Another example is Snapchat’s AR filters, which have become a cultural phenomenon and have driven significant growth for the company.


While there is no concrete evidence yet that Google has created an AR app, it seems likely that the company will eventually enter the market. As AR technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more and more companies investing in this exciting technology. Whether or not Google decides to create an AR app, it’s clear that this innovative technology is here to stay.


  • What would a Google AR app look like?
  • Would a Google AR app be similar to IKEA’s AR app or Snapchat’s AR filters?
  • How would a Google AR app impact the market for existing AR apps?

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