Mastering C++: Is Learning C a Prerequisite?

Estimated read time 2 min read

As a software developer, you may have heard about the power and versatility of C++ as a programming language. It’s widely used in game development, operating systems, and many other applications. However, before diving into C++, there is one question that often comes up: do I need to learn C first? In this article, we will explore whether learning C is indeed a prerequisite for mastering C++.

The first thing to note is that C++ and C share many similarities in syntax and functionality. Both languages are statically typed, have pointers, and use similar control structures like loops and conditionals. As such, many developers who have experience with C often find it easy to pick up C++. However, this does not mean that learning C is a prerequisite.

In fact, there are many successful software developers who have never learned C before diving into C++. Some of these individuals come from different backgrounds like mathematics or physics and have used other programming languages like Python or Java. They were able to pick up C++ with relative ease by leveraging their existing programming knowledge and learning the unique features of C++.

Furthermore, there are some cases where you might not even need to know C at all. For example, if you are working on a game development project, Unreal Engine has built-in support for C++, meaning that you can use C++ without having any prior experience with it. Similarly, if you are working on an application development project using a framework like Django or Flask, you might not need to know C at all.

In conclusion, while having prior experience with C can be beneficial when learning C++, it is not a prerequisite. There are many developers who have successfully picked up C++ without any prior experience with C. Furthermore, some cases may even allow you to use C++ without knowing C at all. Ultimately, the decision to learn C first or not depends on your individual circumstances and preferences.


  1. Do I need to know C before learning C++?
    No, it’s not a prerequisite, but having prior experience with C can make learning C++ easier.
  2. Is C++ similar to C?
    Yes, they share many similarities in syntax and functionality.
  3. Can I use C++ without knowing C?
    Yes, there are some cases where you might not even need to know C at all.

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