Recruitment: the Army takes up residence in the Decentraland metaverse

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Recruitment: the Army takes up residence in the Decentraland metaverse

The theme of the metaverse has been less popular since the end of the bubble of 2021 and 2022. Immersive universes can nevertheless always respond to specific use cases, such as training or onboarding.

The metaverse also represents a potential new terrain for armies to conquer. The French Ministry of the Armed Forces has thus just established its headquarters on the Web3 Decentraland platform – also known for hosting fashion week.

An obstacle course and job offers

No parades this time though. The Army has set up a virtual space for a period of three months. Through this first experiment, the ministry aims at two main objectives for 18-35 year olds.

With this audience, he thus intends to make discover “his devices in favor of youth and certain professions.”For this, the military therefore have a game qualified as immersive and fun. Characteristics put at the service of recruitment.

Because the communication operation in the virtual world aims at a very real objective in this sector: to recruit participants by redirecting them to ministry job offers published on Welcome to the Jungle. This one has needs, in particular on professions in tension such as those of IT and digital.

A depopulated theater of operation

Even in the metaverse, the military remain faithful to tradition. Thus, their space on Decentraland consists of an obstacle course. It connects three distinct areas: youth, culture and recruitment.

“Within each of them, the player discovers information and videos, before being invited to answer a quiz in order to obtain virtual winnings,” details the ministry in a statement.

This experimentation with the metaverse is led by the Delegation for ministerial transformation and Performance (DTPM). And for this first, she won the label of the Defense Innovation Agency (AID).

The operation conquest of the Armies could intervene against time, however. Platforms like Decentraland have lost a large part of their audience. The effect of fashion or discovery has largely dissipated.

A priori more unifying, the appointment of Fashion Week has however suffered a flop this year, reports 20 Minutes with 27,000 visitors, including less than 1,000 simultaneous. Compared to the 2022 edition, the audience was divided by four.

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