The Loiret department victim of a computer attack

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The Loiret department victim of a computer attack

A new French department victim of a computer attack. The Loiret community has indeed just announced that it was targeted last weekend. “As a precautionary measure, the reception and sending of emails, access to servers or certain business software have been interrupted”” says the department in a statement.

The collectivity did not specify the nature of the intrusion, the digital investigations being ongoing. But she stressed that at the moment, “no data leak signal has been detected”.

Crisis unit

The department is assisted by the company Orange Cyberdefense in the response to this incident – a crisis cell has also been opened. As specified on the site , the complaint filed by the collectivity led to the seizure, a few days later, of the specialized section of the Paris prosecutor’s office.

“The IT teams are working to resolve this incident as soon as possible”” finally indicated the community. After having suspended the reception number for users for a day, this line has thus been restored, even if the most important digital tools still remain unavailable.

High threat

The department’s website remained accessible for its part. And if the departmental fire and rescue service has “been impacted”, there have been “no consequences on the operation of the emergency numbers and the support””

In a recent seven-page report, the government’s center for monitoring, warning and response to computer attacks had precisely analyzed the computer threat targeting communities. The Cert-FR thus noted an average of ten incidents per month affecting local authorities between January 2022 and June 2023, representing 17% of the cases handled by the Anssi over this period. Forty-two incidents had affected a department and twelve regions, “high” figures, had noticed the Anssi.

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