The Top Equipment Used in Speech Therapy

Estimated read time 3 min read


Speech therapy is a vital treatment for individuals who struggle with communication, language, and swallowing problems. It requires specialized equipment to help therapists provide effective and efficient therapy. In this article, we will explore the top equipment used in speech therapy and how they can make a difference in patients’ lives.

  1. Speech-generating Devices (SGDs)
    Speech-generating devices are electronic devices that help individuals with speech impairments communicate by converting their thoughts or commands into words or phrases. SGDs can be used to assist people with ALS, cerebral palsy, and other speech and language disorders. The device’s features may include voice output, text-to-speech, communication apps, and software that allows for customization of the device’s settings.

2. Articulators

Articulators are devices used to help individuals with articulation difficulties produce sounds correctly. They can be simple tools such as tongue blades or more complex devices like palate lifters. Some people use voice-activated software on their smartphones or tablets to practice articulation exercises, while others use specialized equipment like the Lingulæse Styloid Positioner (LSP) system.

3. Swallowing Devices

Swallowing devices are used to help individuals with swallowing difficulties manage food and fluids safely. The most common types of swallowing devices include suction machines, nasal feeding tubes, and modified bolus size feeders. These devices can make it easier for individuals with dysphagia to eat and drink without fear of choking or aspiration.

  1. Augmentative Communication Devices (ACDs)
    Augmentative communication devices are electronic tools used by people who have difficulty communicating due to a speech or language disorder. These devices can include picture exchange communication systems, speech-generating devices, and communication apps that use text-to-speech technology. ACDs can help individuals express their thoughts and feelings more effectively, which can improve their quality of life.


Speech therapy equipment can be a game-changer for individuals with communication, language, and swallowing problems. By using the right equipment, therapists can provide more effective and efficient therapy that leads to better outcomes for patients. As AI developers, it’s essential to stay up-to-date with the latest developments in speech therapy equipment and explore ways to create innovative solutions that improve people’s lives.


  1. What is a speech-generating device?
    A speech-generating device (SGD) is an electronic device that helps individuals with speech impairments communicate by converting their thoughts or commands into words or phrases.
  2. How do articulators work?
    Articulators are devices used to help individuals with articulation difficulties produce sounds correctly. They can be simple tools like tongue blades or more complex devices like palate lifters.
  3. What is a swallowing device?
    Swallowing devices are used to help individuals with swallowing difficulties manage food and fluids safely. The most common types include suction machines, nasal feeding tubes, and modified bolus size feeders.

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