The Top Video Game Delays of 2021: What You Need to Know

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Are you a gamer who’s been eagerly waiting for your favorite games to release? Sadly, this year has seen multiple video game delays that have left gamers feeling frustrated and disappointed. In this article, we will discuss the top video game delays of 2021 and analyze the reasons behind them. 1. Cyberpunk 2077: Delayed from June to December 2020 Cyberpunk 2077 was one of the most highly anticipated games of 2020, but it faced numerous delays due to bugs and glitches that were present in the early version of the game. The developers had to make significant changes to the game’s code, leading to a delay from June to December. 2. Death Stranding Directors Cut: Delayed from July to November 2021 Death Stranding Directors Cut was another highly anticipated game that faced delays. The developers had to make changes to the game’s content, including new features and additional storylines, leading to a delay from July to November. 3. Halo Infinite: Delayed from Holiday 2021 to Winter 2022 Halo Infinite was supposed to be released in 2021, but it has been delayed until winter 2022 due to technical issues that have yet to be resolved. The developers have stated that they are taking their time to ensure that the game is polished and ready for release. The reasons behind these delays vary, from technical issues to creative differences. However, it’s clear that gamers are growing increasingly frustrated with the constant delays and are calling for more transparency from game developers. It’s important to remember that while delays can be frustrating, they ultimately lead to better quality games. Developers take their time to ensure that their games are polished and ready for release, which is crucial for gamers who invest time and money into their favorite franchises. In conclusion, 2021 has been a year of video game delays, but it’s important to remember that these delays ultimately lead to better quality games. As gamers, we must be patient and continue to support the development of our favorite games, even in the face of delays.

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