What is ARKit Unity?

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ARKit and Unity are two powerful tools for building augmented reality (AR) applications. In this article, we will explore what makes ARKit Unity such a popular choice among AR developers and provide real-life examples of how it has been used in the industry.


Augmented reality is a rapidly growing field that has caught the attention of many industries, including gaming, education, and healthcare. The ability to overlay digital information onto the real world provides endless possibilities for innovation and engagement. ARKit and Unity are two popular tools used for building AR applications. In this article, we will explore what makes ARKit Unity such a popular choice among AR developers and provide real-life examples of how it has been used in the industry.

ARKit vs. Unity: What’s the Difference?

ARKit is a set of tools developed by Apple that allow developers to create AR experiences for iOS devices. It includes features such as image recognition, depth sensing, and motion tracking. On the other hand, Unity is a cross-platform game engine that can also be used to build AR applications. It has support for various platforms, including iOS, Android, and WebGL.

One of the main differences between ARKit and Unity is the level of control developers have over the platform. ARKit provides a more streamlined experience with less customization options, while Unity offers more flexibility and control. Additionally, Unity has a larger community and more resources available for development, which can be beneficial for some developers.

Real-Life Examples of ARKit Unity in Action

ARKit Unity has been used in various industries to create engaging and innovative AR experiences. Here are some real-life examples:

  1. IKEA Place: IKEA Place is an AR app that allows users to place virtual furniture in their homes before making a purchase. The app uses ARKit to provide an immersive experience that helps users visualize how furniture would look in their space.
  2. Pokémon Go: Pokémon Go is one of the most popular AR games of all time and uses Unity as its game engine. It combines elements of gaming and real-world exploration, allowing players to catch virtual creatures in real-life environments.
  3. Virtual Product Try On: Virtual product try on allows customers to visualize products on themselves before making a purchase. This can be done using ARKit or Unity, depending on the platform. For example, Sephora’s AR app lets customers try on makeup virtually and see how it looks on their skin.
  4. Training Applications: ARKit Unity has also been used in training applications. For example, the U.S. Army uses an AR app called Tactical Glasses to provide soldiers with real-time information about their surroundings. This includes information such as enemy locations, terrain, and weather conditions.


ARKit Unity is a powerful tool for building augmented reality applications that has gained popularity among developers due to its flexibility, control, and community support. Whether you are a game developer or looking to create an AR training application, ARKit Unity can provide you with the tools you need to bring your vision to life.

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