What is immutable Linux? And why you should use a distro

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At the beginning, there was the source code. Linus Torvalds put him in shape, there were certainly several evenings and several mornings. He named it Linux. And he saw that it was good.

The operating system was shapeless and (very) difficult to use. Owen Le Blanc, from the Manchester Computing Centre (MCC), then says: “Let there be a Linux distribution”. And the light was. Since then, most Linux distributions have been based directly on this source code and package systems such as DEB and RPM. But there is another approach, called Immutable Linux, which has been gaining popularity for a few years.

Immutable Linux distributions have a read-only system. This means that the core operating system, once installed, cannot be modified during normal use.

The fixes are performed during a restart

Patches, including system updates, are performed during a reboot. This is called an atomic update. This means that the update of the entire system is handled in a single transaction. So if something goes wrong, you can easily return to the previous state.

This architectural approach significantly strengthens the security and stability of the system, as it prevents unauthorized modifications and reduces the risk of system corruption. Instead of updating things piecemeal, as most major Linux distributions do, everything is updated in one go.

Why? Because the central system is read-only, it is much less vulnerable to malware and manipulation. If you can’t add anything to the operating system, you can’t corrupt it.

Immutable distributions use containerization for applications

In addition, immutable distributions use containerization for applications. This makes it possible to further isolate the programs from the central system and from each other. So, even if you have a rogue application, it has much less access to the underlying system than, for example, a Windows application has to Windows.

Another advantage of an immutable Linux version is that it offers unparalleled reliability and stability. By preserving a coherent state, the software dependencies remain intact. This reduces compatibility problems related to updates or changes in traditional systems. The result? More reliable performance with minimal downtime.

To install applications, you use containerized applications and universal package formats such as AppImage, Flatpak or Snap. Although many old-school Linux users hate this approach, this containerized method of installing applications has several advantages.

  • First of all, it does not depend on the distribution. This means that if you have a Discord Flatpak, you can install and run it on any Linux distribution that supports Flatpak.
  • These containerized package systems also avoid the dependency problems associated with traditional package managers. The latter often have to update not only the applications, but also all their software dependencies. Sometimes this is not possible. The containerized packages contain all the software necessary for the installation and execution of the program.
  • It also allows you to install a lot of proprietary software. For example, the installation of Zoom or Spotify is possible, while it may be difficult to install one or the other on Linux systems using traditional package managers such as Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) or DNF.
  • Finally, because these applications run in containers, they are more secure than their package-based counterparts.

ChromeOS is an immutable Linux system

None of this, by the way, is really new. Some press articles proclaim that immutable Linux distributions represent a radical change. But this is not the case. In fact, you have already been exposed to the immutable Linux approach, but you certainly did not know about it.

Indeed, with its Chrome web browser, ChromeOS is an immutable Linux system.

ChromeOS is not the only immutable Linux system delivered ready to use. For example, if you play games with a Steam Deck, you are using the immutable SteamOS version 3.2, which is based on Arch Linux.

Immutable Linux distributions are not suitable for everyone

And yes, there are many immutable Linux distributions. Some of them come from major Linux distributors that you already know, such as Fedora Silverblue, openSUSE MicroOS, and the next Ubuntu 24.04 from Canonical will also have an immutable version. Others? Vanilla OS, Endless OS, and Project Bluefin, which is aimed at developers.

But it should be noted that immutable Linux distributions are not suitable for everyone. They are less flexible than the usual Linux distributions. In addition, some applications and services do not work well with containerized environments.

So, why consider one or the other of these solutions? It’s simple. They are all very stable and secure. If you have never been a desktop Linux user, they are also easier to install and use than their conventional big brothers.

I recommend Silverblue, Vanilla OS and Endless OS

I have been using Linux since the appearance of version 0.11 in 1991, when I had to download it via ftp from MIT. At the time, it had to be compiled from the C language, and nothing was simple.

Today, I can run Linux without problems. So I don’t need an “easy” Linux. But many people still need it. For them, I suggest you try one of the immutable Linux distributions.

In particular, for newcomers to Linux, I recommend Silverblue, based on Fedora, Vanilla OS, based on Ubuntu, or Endless OS, oriented to Debian. They are all easy to use, stable and safe. I think you will like at least one of them.

Source: “ZDNet.com “

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