Adobe: a new generative AI tool to revolutionize video editing (but this is only a demo)

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Adobe: a new generative AI tool to revolutionize video editing (but this is only a demo)

Image: Adobe.

Adobe’s editing applications – Photoshop, Lightroom and Premiere in mind – are essential working tools for many creators. And to help them optimize their daily work, Adobe wants to use generative AI. Enough to help video editors.

Project Fast Fill

At its annual Adobe MAX conference, Adobe presented Project Fast Fill, a tool that facilitates the editing of videos through simple prompts.

More precisely, this tool would make it possible to delete or add an object, or even to modify background elements in a few seconds using a prompt, whereas these tasks today require a significant amount of editing work.

The company specifies that Project Fast Fill exploits its famous Generative Fill function to integrate generative AI into its video editing applications.

Facilitate video editing

During the event, the demonstrations of the brand highlighted different potential uses.

In a first example, Gabriel Huang, a research engineer at Adobe, simply and very cleanly deleted people in the background of a video :

Image: Adobe.

The engineer then proposed another example, where he removes his tie from a man walking towards the camera. And this, by simply entering the text “tie” in the generative filling tool after selecting the collar area :

Generative Fill video

Image: Adobe.

In both cases, the generative filling proposed four different video results, among which Gabriel Huang was able to choose to develop his final product.

Moreover, when the editing is performed on a single frame of the video, as for a photo, the tool automatically applies the change to all the frames of the video. It also automatically adapts to changes in lighting, shadows, object movements, etc.

An overview of future technologies

Unfortunately, these demonstrations are only a preview of the potential of Project Fast Fill. Adobe has not announced an availability date.

The brand specifies that these previews correspond to “cutting-edge experimental technologies that could one day become features of Adobe products”.

Source: “ “

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