Room wants to teleport you to the meeting room

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After becoming familiar with videoconferences, can we imagine participating in a meeting, an assembly, a congress … by “teleporting” into a virtual and interactive room? This is the revolutionary idea still in the development stage of the startup Room.

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The startup Room unveils its brand new 3D communication technology as a world premiere at the South By Southwest festival, which takes place virtually until March 20th. The idea is to revolutionize video conferencing by projecting everyone into a virtual and interactive room. At the head of Room is Cevat Yerli, who has long proven himself in the field of video games with Crytek (Far Cry, Crysis). The idea developed by Room is to be able to bring together in a virtual way several people in the same room, wherever they are in the world, by reproducing real-life interactions there.

Meeting virtually

In fact, the busts of the different protagonists are found embedded in the decor, usually around a table or at the same podium. Room thus allows people to “teleport” either to an existing modeled room (such as in a museum) or to a totally imaginary place. Once inside, it is possible to view the room in 360 degrees.

“Digital communication is generally impersonal and does not have much of a human element. That’s what I set out to change,” explains Cevat Yerli. Each speaker has in front of him a virtual tablet from which he can consult and share multimedia content. At any time, the protagonists can decide to change the room and the environment.

This solution has many advantages. First of all, it does not require a 3D headset. Then, it allows you to gather up to 32 people in the same place, with assigned seats, in an extremely simple way via a simple link to share (as for Zoom for example).

The Room concept evolves the videoconferencing. © Room, YouTube

The project is still in the development stage, in collaboration with architects, designers and specialists in interactive experience. Technically, this solution is still in its infancy and its first experiments only work on Chrome for the moment. Eventually, this application could concern both professionals and individuals, including players who could gather in a virtual room like the game they are playing.

It should be noted that before the SXSW, a first immersive virtual experience has already been organized by the Jacques Rougerie Foundation under the high patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco.

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