Apple adds iCloud+ storage plans of 6 TB and 12 TB at €30 and €60 per month

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Apple adds iCloud+ storage plans of 6 TB and 12 TB at €30 and €60 per month

My main nightmare with Apple, for years, is when I reach the storage ceiling of 2 TB of iCloud+ (9factured ,99 €/month). I’m constantly removing old video clips from my Apple Photos apps to make room. But this ruins the possibility of following the projects in all their components, and even so, after a lot of filming sessions for my YouTube channel, I ended up being dangerously close to my storage limit.

Even worse, I store my Mac documents and my office folders in iCloud+. And here too I am under the threat of the 2 TB storage cap.

As early as 2014, Apple offered tiered iCloud storage plans. At the time, the maximum was 1 TB, for € 19.99 per month. At the end of 2016, the company doubled its maximum storage plan to 2 TB, for the same price of €19.99. And then – although the price has dropped to €9.99/month – nothing has happened on the storage volume side.

The maximum storage of the iPhone and Mac has quadrupled, but iCloud+ has been stuck at the same level for a long time

For comparison, the iPhone 7 and 7 Plus were announced in September 2016. The camera of the 7 Plus has increased to 12 megapixels. The maximum storage on a 7 Plus was 256 GB. Even the 16-inch MacBook Pro of the time only offered 2 TB of storage.

Now let’s move on to the iPhone 14 models from last year. The maximum onboard storage was 1 TB. But the maximum storage on a MacBook Pro was 8 TB.

In short, in the space of six years, the maximum storage of the iPhone and the Mac has quadrupled, but iCloud+ has remained stuck at the same level of 2 TB.

But that will change.

Apple is adding more storage space to iCloud+. She adds a 6 TB plan, which according to MacRumors will be offered at a price of $29.99 per month. Apple also offers a 12 TB plan, the price of which increases to $59.99 per month.

None of these packages are cheap. But at least there are no more storage limitations. It just took Apple 6 long years to add higher levels of storage to a critical system that most of their users depend on.

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