Beware of hate speech on social networks

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Internet users sometimes feel completely allowed when they comment on brand content on social networks. Insulting, disrespectful or hateful comments in the comments section of a publication can taint a brand’s reputation. According to a study carried out by the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Southern California among 3,000 Americans, 20% of Internet users like a brand less when its content contains hateful comments written by users.

On social networks, the image plays a central role. Facebook Instagram or X, negative and inappropriate remarks from Internet users can reduce the click-through rate on advertisements by 35%.The report also points out that the presence of hate speech on ads changes potential customers from favorable to neutral.

Healthcare, automotive, housing, retail, food … Many sectors have been analyzed and we note that the more a brand is appreciated, the greater the impact. It is above all a question of credibility! Having a serious advertisement backed by dubious statements can do serious damage to the audience, or even to the clientele.

It may seem obvious, but it is therefore essential for companies to keep an eye on their ads and, as far as possible, to have moderation tools for these inappropriate remarks.

The social network X illustrates the situation well. Earlier this year, no action was taken when reports of hate speech increased on the platform and, finally, the advertisers left.

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