Canceling an online service will be easier from September 1st

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Canceling an online service will be easier from September 1st

Video, music, media, video games, television, telephony, gym, romantic encounters…. Online subscriptions have been multiplying in recent years. Subscribing to these services is done in a few clicks. On the other hand, their termination is otherwise more complex. The consumer often has to spend long minutes finding the right form on the right page when he does not have to pick up his phone to contact customer service or send, at his own expense, a registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt.

Long and tedious steps on which the platforms play to dissuade us from unsubscribing. The consumer thus retains subscriptions, which he no longer always has the use of, and which burden his budget. The situation should improve from September 1ᵉʳ. A new article of the Consumer Code, resulting from the law of August 16, 2022 on the protection of purchasing power, will come into full force.

The service provider will make it possible to unsubscribe from his service in “three clicks maximum”. For this, he will have to make available to the consumer ” a free feature allowing you to complete, by electronic means, the notification and the steps necessary for the termination of the contract “. It will be similar to a “cancellation button”, identifiable, easy to access, direct and permanent on the provider’s website and mobile application. Like the German “Kündigungsbutton” in force across the Rhine since July 2022.

Three months to comply

The consumer will be clearly informed of the conditions of termination of the contract – compliance with a notice period – and its consequences – payment of compensation, for example. If he has not already done so, he will have to provide a certain number of personal data – last name, first name, phone number, email address, contract number …. – the reason for the termination and the ” date of the event giving rise to terminationn”.

For his part, the professional acknowledges receipt to the consumer of his request for termination and informs him, “sur Long-lasting support and within reasonable deadlines “, from the date on which the contract ends. On the other hand, the general conditions of contractual termination of the services do not change.

The measure came into force on June 1, but the government gave the suppliers concerned three months to comply. It applies to any type of contract (subscriptions, services, rental) in progress and in the future, including those subscribed on paper. The device therefore concerns insurance, electricity or transport contracts.

In case of non-compliance, the law provides for an administrative fine of up to 15,000 euros for a natural person and up to 75,000 euros for a company. The government specifies that the services of the directorate general for competition, consumption and fraud prevention (DGCCRF) will be vigilant as to the proper application of the law.

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