Data, mobility and the environment: the DINUM finances 10 state startups

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Data, mobility and the environment: the DINUM finances 10 state startups

Digitally transforming the administration and public services, the mission is long and complex. The Interdepartmental Digital Directorate (DINUM) knows something about this, as evidenced by its latest roadmap.

What if the change came directly from within, and not just from the use of practices and providers? This is the approach that state start-ups are trying to embody, at the initiative of the development of digital services.

Injecting digital and agile into the state

To make these projects come to fruition, the DINUM has an incubator, . Its objective? “To help public administrations build useful digital services that are simple, easy to use and really meet the needs.”

These digital initiatives also need funding. This is what the State IT Department will bring to 10 of these public startups through its acceleration fund for state and territorial startups (FAST).

The DINUM awarded 10 winners, who thus receive 2.55 million euros. The selection is intended to be aligned with the priority policies of the government. The ambition is to take advantage of digital and agile to “make its action more efficient, simpler and more sovereign.”

Data-driven management, better consideration of the environment, assistance in the mobility of agents …. The DINUM is part of the major trends of the moment around Data, ESG and hybrid work.

An acceleration phase for 10 startups

Among the winners, we will mention the A-Just project consisting of “data-driven management of the allocation of human resources in the courts to reduce court delays.”With Mano and Mobilic, the state startups want to “support mobile teams”, but also “simplify the monitoring and respect of the working time of mobile workers.”

The main criterion for evaluating internal start-ups is their impact. With Mobilic, the digital department points out that 1,866 (out of 6,800) moving and freight transport companies are active. The goal is to reach 50% by the end of 2023.

“Digital technology is a powerful lever to make public action simpler, more sovereign and more effective at the service of our fellow citizens (…) It is time for these projects to go into the acceleration phase,” comments Stanislas Guerini, Minister of Transformation and Public Service.

50 digital services funded since 2019

The winners of the FAST will now have access to operational and strategic support for 6 months, in addition to a financial envelope. The amount represents 50% of the project budget for the year, up to a maximum of 300,000 euros.

Since 2019, DINUM has claimed the financing of more than 50 digital services and an investment of more than 8 million euros. The intrapreneurs of the administration who are candidates for the next allocation of the fund have until December 1 to make themselves known.

The IT Department of the State will continue to work on its four priorities, intended to break with well-established practices. Data, start-up mode and internalization of skills must participate, in particular to respond to the drifts of major projects.

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