How to Install ARCore: A Step-by-Step Guide

Estimated read time 4 min read

Are you a developer looking to create immersive and interactive experiences using augmented reality (AR)? Look no further than ARCore, the powerful platform developed by Google for building mobile and desktop AR apps. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the step-by-step process of installing ARCore on your compatible device.

Before we begin, it’s important to note that ARCore is currently available on a limited number of devices, including Windows 10 PCs, Samsung and LG Android devices, and iOS devices. Be sure to check the compatibility list before proceeding to ensure that your device is supported.

Step 1: Download ARCore SDK

The first step in installing ARCore is to download the SDK (Software Development Kit) from the Google Developers website. The SDK includes all the tools and libraries you’ll need to create AR apps, as well as documentation and sample code to get you started.

Once you’ve downloaded the SDK, navigate to the "SDK" folder on your computer and extract the contents of the zip file.

Step 2: Install ARCore CLI

Next, we need to install the ARCore Command Line Interface (CLI), a tool that allows us to manage our ARCore projects from the command line. To do this, navigate to the "Tools" folder within your SDK directory and run the following command:

dotnet arcore new --project-name MyApp

This will create a new project in your preferred IDE (e.g., Visual Studio or Unity) with all the necessary ARCore libraries and configuration files.

Step 3: Configure ARCore Session

Now that we have our project set up, it’s time to configure an ARCore session. This involves creating a virtual environment in which we can place our AR objects. To do this, open the "SessionConfig.cs" file in your project and make the following changes:

  • Set the "Plane Detection Threshold" to a value between 0 and 1 (e.g., 0.5). This determines how closely an object must be to the ground plane before it’s tracked. A higher threshold will result in fewer false positives, but may also miss real objects.
  • Set the "Minimum Trackable Type" to "PLANE". This specifies that we only want to track planes and not other types of objects like people or animals.

Save your changes and build your project.

Step 4: Add ARObjects to Scene

With our ARCore session configured, it’s time to add some objects to our scene. In most AR development tools, you can simply drag and drop objects onto the ground plane to place them in the virtual environment. Be sure to test your app on a real device to ensure that your objects are tracked correctly.

Step 5: Publish Your App

Once you’re satisfied with your AR app, it’s time to publish it to the appropriate platform (e.g., Google Play Store for Android devices, Apple App Store for iOS devices). Be sure to follow all the necessary guidelines and best practices for each platform to ensure a successful launch.


Q: What devices are compatible with ARCore?
A: ARCore is currently available on Windows 10 PCs, Samsung and LG Android devices, and iOS devices. Be sure to check the compatibility list before proceeding.

Q: How do I configure an ARCore session?
A: Open the "SessionConfig.cs" file in your project and make the necessary changes to configure an ARCore session.

Q: How do I add objects to my AR app?
A: In most AR development tools, you can simply drag and drop objects onto the ground plane to place them in the virtual environment. Be sure to test your app on a real device to ensure that your objects are tracked correctly.

Q: What are the best practices for publishing an AR app?
A: Follow all the necessary guidelines and best practices for each platform (e.g., Google Play Store for Android devices, Apple App Store for iOS devices) to ensure a successful launch.

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