Is Apple Developing AR? A Comprehensive Look at the Future of Augmented Reality

Estimated read time 3 min read


Augmented reality (AR) has been rapidly growing in popularity over the past few years, with developers and tech giants alike investing heavily in this innovative technology. One company that has been consistently rumored to be working on AR projects is Apple. In this article, we’ll explore whether there is any evidence to support these rumors and what this could mean for the future of AR.

Apple’s History with Augmented Reality

Apple has been dabbling in AR technology for quite some time now. Back in 2013, Apple introduced its iBeacon technology, which allowed users to access location-based content and interact with their environment through their iOS devices. This was a form of basic AR that enabled users to experience interactive content in the real world.

More recently, Apple has been working on Project Glass, an internal research project that focuses on developing advanced AR technologies. However, it’s unclear whether this project is still ongoing or if it has been discontinued.

Is Apple Developing AR? The Evidence

Despite the lack of concrete evidence, there have been several reports and rumors suggesting that Apple is working on an AR project. One such report came from a DigiTimes source in March 2019, which claimed that Apple had ordered suppliers to develop AR glasses. This was later denied by Apple spokesperson Fred Singer, who stated that the company does not have any plans to launch AR glasses at this time.

However, there are still signs that suggest Apple is taking AR seriously. In 2019, Apple hired several AR experts from companies like Google and Amazon, indicating a potential interest in the technology. Additionally, Apple has been filing patents related to AR technologies, such as haptic feedback and tracking systems.

The Future of AR at Apple

If Apple does decide to develop an AR product, it’s likely that it will be integrated into its existing hardware, such as iPhones and iPads. This would allow users to experience AR through their devices without the need for additional equipment.

Apple has a history of focusing on user experience, and it’s possible that its AR technology could revolutionize the way we interact with the world around us. For example, an AR-enabled iPhone could allow users to try on clothes virtually or visualize furniture in their homes before making a purchase.


While there is no concrete evidence that Apple is currently developing AR technology, it’s clear that the company has been taking the field seriously and has even hired experts in the field. If Apple does decide to launch an AR product, it could have a significant impact on the future of the technology and how we interact with the world around us.


Q: What kind of AR technology is Apple rumored to be working on?

A: There have been reports suggesting that Apple is working on AR glasses, but there has been no official confirmation from the company.

Q: Has Apple filed any patents related to AR technologies?
A: Yes, Apple has filed several patents related to AR technologies, such as haptic feedback and tracking systems.

Q: What could an AR-enabled iPhone look like?
A: An AR-enabled iPhone could allow users to try on clothes virtually or visualize furniture in their homes before making a purchase.

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