Is ARCore Free? Features, Compatibility, Comparison

Estimated read time 3 min read

Are you a developer looking to create augmented reality (AR) applications? Look no further than Google’s ARCore! This powerful platform offers developers the ability to build immersive, interactive experiences that bring digital content to life in the real world. But is ARCore free? And what are its key features and compatibility considerations? In this article, we will explore these topics in detail, along with a comparison of ARCore to its main competitor, Unity’s ARKit.

Features of ARCore

ARCore offers several key features that make it an ideal platform for AR development:

  1. Cross-platform support: ARCore is compatible with a wide range of devices, including smartphones and tablets running Android or iOS operating systems. This allows developers to reach a large audience without having to create separate versions for each device.
  2. Natural user interface: ARCore’s natural user interface makes it easy for users to interact with AR content in a seamless and intuitive way. This includes support for gestures, voice commands, and other input methods.
  3. High performance: ARCore is built on top of Google’s Vulkan graphics engine, which provides high-performance rendering and smooth gameplay.
  4. Real-time tracking: ARCore uses real-time tracking to accurately track the position and orientation of devices in the real world, allowing developers to create highly immersive experiences that blend seamlessly with the physical environment.

Compatibility Considerations

While ARCore is compatible with a wide range of devices, there are some compatibility considerations that developers should be aware of:

  1. Device specifications: ARCore requires certain device specifications to run smoothly and provide an optimal experience. For example, devices with more RAM and a faster CPU will generally perform better than those with lower specifications.
  2. Screen size: The size of the screen on a device can also affect its compatibility with ARCore. Smaller screens may have limited space for AR content, while larger screens may provide a more immersive experience.
  3. Battery life: Devices with longer battery life will generally be better suited to running AR applications, as they will last longer without needing to be recharged.

Comparison with ARKit

ARCore’s main competitor is Unity’s ARKit, which is also designed for building AR applications. While both platforms offer similar features and capabilities, there are some key differences between the two:

  1. Cross-platform support: ARCore is compatible with a wider range of devices than ARKit, as it supports both Android and iOS operating systems.
  2. Performance: ARKit is generally faster and more efficient than ARCore, thanks to its use of Apple’s Metal graphics engine.
  3. Community support: ARKit has a larger and more established community of developers, which means there are more resources available for learning and troubleshooting.
  4. Cost: ARCore is free to use, while ARKit requires a license, although the cost is relatively low.


Q: What devices is ARCore compatible with?
A: ARCore is compatible with smartphones and tablets running Android or iOS operating systems.

Q: Is ARCore free to use?
A: Yes, ARCore is free to use.

Q: What are the main features of ARCore?
A: ARCore offers cross-platform support, a natural user interface, high performance, and real-time tracking.


ARCore is a powerful platform for building augmented reality applications that can reach a wide audience on a variety of devices. While there are some compatibility considerations to keep in mind, the benefits of using ARCore make it an attractive option for developers looking to create immersive, interactive experiences. By understanding its features and capabilities, as well as its main competitors, developers can make informed decisions about which platform is right for their needs.

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