KVM Hypervisor: Type 1 vs. Type 2

Estimated read time 2 min read

KVM (Kernel-based Virtual Machine) is a widely used open-source hypervisor, and it allows for virtualization on both x86 and ARM architectures. It has gained popularity due to its flexibility and scalability, making it suitable for various environments, including data centers, cloud, and edge computing. In this article, we’ll explore the main differences between Type 1 and Type 2 hypervisors and their use cases in KVM.

Type 1 Hypervisors:

Type 1 hypervisors run directly on the host hardware’s virtualization capabilities, providing a layer of abstraction between the host and guest systems. This allows for direct control over the host’s resources, making it more efficient and secure than Type 2 hypervisors.

In KVM, Type 1 hypervisors are called "bare-metal" hypervisors, as they require direct access to the physical hardware. This makes them ideal for environments where security is a top priority, such as data centers or cloud providers.

Type 2 Hypervisors:

Type 2 hypervisors run on top of an existing operating system and use it to manage the virtualization process. They provide a high level of flexibility in terms of guest operating systems and workloads, making them suitable for various environments, including desktop and laptop computers.

In KVM, Type 2 hypervisors are called "hosted" hypervisors, as they rely on an existing host operating system to perform virtualization. They are ideal for environments where flexibility and portability are key, such as development or testing environments.

Use Cases:

Type 1 hypervisors are best suited for environments that require high performance, security, and reliability, such as data centers, cloud providers, and enterprise applications. Their direct control over the host’s resources allows for efficient use of hardware resources and improved security features, making them ideal for mission-critical workloads.

Type 2 hypervisors are best suited for environments that require flexibility and portability, such as development or testing environments. They allow for easy management of guest systems and workloads, making them ideal for rapid prototyping and testing.


KVM is a versatile hypervisor that can be used in various environments to achieve different use cases. Type 1 hypervisors are best suited for high-performance, security-critical workloads, while Type 2 hypervisors are best suited for flexible and portable environments. Understanding the main differences between these types of hypervisors is crucial for selecting the right one for your specific use case.

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