Libre express : social responsibility, Richard Stallman, library testimonials

Picture: “Keep
calm and use open source” (MedithIT/CC by)
Good social and environmental practices
Free Software is a philosophy (where open source – almost synonymous for software – is a method) that goes far beyond computer science: it would therefore be paradoxical to defend its values without taking into account its social and environmental responsibility (CSR) in other aspects. This is what April promotes, which mentions among other gestures and actions:
“* As elsewhere, male domination is a problem in the computer world and in librarian communities. In order not to maintain this status quo and allow women and gender minorities to feel at ease (legitimate and comfortable) at April, and by extension (this is in any case our wish) in the librist universe, we are carrying out actions:
◦ existence of a code of conduct that applies to everything organized by April (actions, events, etc.).
◦ use of inclusive language (…)
◦ taking into account diversity when we are invited to participate in a round table, or to lead it, which may lead to declining the invitation to speak
* choice of ethical suppliers for our products (t-shirts …)
* aperitifs, most often vegetarian meals with the provision of containers and cutlery in order to avoid the whole disposable (…)
* prefer train travel when participating in distant events or carpooling
* order our laptops from a refurbished computer supplier who works for people with disabilities, or in an eco-responsible shop
* use of free software which consumes less energy and which makes it possible to keep the computer hardware longer.»
This list, indicates the association, was inspired by that of the “small gestures” which end up having not-so-small impacts put forward by Easter Eggs, a free digital company (ENL) of about twenty employees, created in 1997 (in whose premises April subleases space).
There are many practical tips like:
• “sorting our paper /cardboard waste
* make our coffee in a filter coffee maker (with organic coffee and tap water)
* use low-power light bulbs
* program the radiators of our offices at 19 ° during the day and 7 ° at night and on weekends (…)
* order our office supplies either in ESAT or in eco-responsible shops
• use only recycled paper with a light weight
* arrange a place to park bicycles
* pay our suppliers within 30 days (…)
* send our documents electronically (invoices, contracts) (…)»
Richard Stallman has cancer
During the day of celebration of the 40th anniversary of the GNU project that he initiated, Richard Stallman, 70, announced that he had a form of lymphoma, a malignant tumor of the lymphatic system. Spectacular “Florent Pagny” effect of the treatment that the pioneer libriste undergoes, RMS who sported long hair for decades no longer has it at all at the moment.
Indicating that he can be treated, he declared to continue working for free software and seemed optimistic, hoping “to still be around for many years”. We wish him a speedy recovery … and we will remember that his prompt funeral oration for Steve Jobs in 2011, earned him this sarcasm from Joe Brockmeier (former among others of Red Hat and Apache, at the time at the Linux Foundation): “I hope Stallman will live to 120 years. As long as he lives, there will be hope that he will change.»
“The fight for free software is not dead”: two testimonies
“‘Do something, share it’, without commercial aim: the fight for free software is not dead”: under this title, the online media Basta publishes an article, with the testimony of two thirty-something librarians, both developers – one amateur and the other professional. “Gaëtan Chabert, alias Booteille, has been a volunteer at the association for the promotion of free Framasoft since 2021. Framasoft’s motto is “change the world, one byte at a time”. “I believe that,” confirms Gaëtan.” “He has thus developed two extensions for Firefox, called Invidition and PeerTube Companion, which redirect YouTube pages to another interface. It is as much about avoiding Google tracking as it is about publicizing alternative platforms to YouTube such as PeerTube, developed by Framasoft.»
“Maud Royer is a freelance developer and divides her time between her profession and various activist activities. Responsible for the digital tools of La France insoumise for six years, she has, among other things, developed the militant social network of Popular Action on the basis of free software. She also carries out other personal projects in parallel and laments “four to five unfinished projects” that she will never be able to finish because of not being “paid to do it”. “Anyone who makes free software finds themselves in this situation, she regrets. But being also an LGBT activist and feminist, I have to make choices about my agenda.”»
Read also
Framasoft, “Digital Amap”, is twenty years old – November 8, 2021
Why does hard work and low pay stress free software maintainers? -7 june 2021
April is 20 years old, and all her teeth to defend free software – February 12, 2017
Richard Stallman, an authorized biography and a tour – January 13, 2010