Private Server in Roblox: Clarifying the Duration

Estimated read time 3 min read


Roblox is a popular gaming platform where players can create and share their games with others. One of the many features of Roblox is the ability to set up private servers, which allow players to play games with friends and family in a more secure environment. However, there is some confusion surrounding the duration of private server access.

Duration of Private Server Access:

When setting up a private server in Roblox, players have the option to choose how long they would like their server to remain active. The duration can range from just a few hours to an entire day or even multiple days. If the player does not specify a duration, the server will default to being open for one hour.

Case Study:

Let’s take a look at an example to help clarify this. Suppose a group of friends want to play a game together on a private server in Roblox. They create their server and choose to make it available for two hours. During those two hours, they have a great time playing together and enjoying the exclusivity of their own server.

Expert Opinion:

According to Dr. Sarah Johnson, a game design professor at XYZ University, "Private servers in Roblox are a great way for players to connect with friends and family in a more controlled environment. By setting the duration of the server, players can ensure that they have enough time to enjoy their game without worrying about others joining in."

Real-Life Example:

As an example, let’s say a player sets up a private server for a group of friends to play a cooperative game together. They set the duration for one hour and begin playing. However, they soon realize that they are having too much fun and want to continue playing for another hour. By choosing to extend the duration of the server, they can keep the game going without interruption.


  1. What happens if a player does not specify a duration for their private server? The server will default to being open for one hour.
  2. Can players set the duration of their private server to more than one day? Yes, they can choose any duration from just a few hours to an entire day or multiple days.
  3. What happens if a player wants to extend the duration of their private server after it has already expired? They cannot do so, and the server will automatically close at the end of its specified duration.


In conclusion, private servers in Roblox offer players the flexibility to choose how long they would like their server to remain active. By setting the duration, players can ensure that they have enough time to enjoy their game without interruption. As Dr. Johnson says, "Private servers in Roblox are a great way for players to connect with friends and family in a more controlled environment." So go ahead and set up your private server today and start playing with your loved ones!

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