“Ranking Every DCEU Villain from Worst to Best”

Estimated read time 3 min read

Are you a fan of the DC Extended Universe?

Then you know that its villains are some of the most iconic and memorable in pop culture.

But which one is truly the worst, and which one reigns supreme?

Let’s take a closer look at every DCEU villain and rank them from worst to best based on their actions, motives, and overall impact on the story. 1. Lex Luthor – While Lex Luthor has been around since the beginning of the DCEU, he hasn’t done much to earn his spot at the top of this list. He’s just a typical corporate villain who wants power and control, with no real motivation for why he’s doing what he is. 2. Catwoman – Catwoman has been around since the beginning of the DCEU as well, but she hasn’t done much to stand out. She’s just your typical thief-for-fun type villain who doesn’t really have any goals beyond stealing things and causing chaos. 3. The Joker – While the Joker is certainly one of the most iconic DCEU villains, he doesn’t really rank that high on this list. He’s just a typical madman who wants to destroy society because he thinks it’s inherently flawed. 4. Bane – Bane may be physically intimidating and have some interesting powers, but his motivations and actions are still just those of a typical power-hungry villain. 5. Enchantress – While Enchantress may be one of the most mysterious and powerful DCEU villains, her lack of a clear motivation or goal beyond just being a bad guy holding her back. 6. Doomsday – Doomsday may be a formidable physical opponent, but his lack of any real personality or motivations makes him a pretty uninteresting villain. 7. Steppenwolf – Steppenwolf is definitely one of the most powerful and intimidating DCEU villains, but he doesn’t really have much going for him beyond being a generic bad guy who wants to take over the world. 8. Darkseid – While Darkseid may be one of the most iconic DCEU villains, his lack of any real depth or complexity makes him pretty uninteresting. He’s just your typical evil king who wants to conquer everything and everyone. 9. The Riddler – While the Riddler may have some interesting powers and motivations, he doesn’t really rank that high on this list. He’s just a typical madman who wants to destroy society because he thinks it’s inherently flawed. 10. The Lobo – The Lobo may be one of the most brutal and intimidating DCEU villains, but his lack of any real depth or complexity makes him pretty uninteresting. He’s just a typical bounty hunter who wants to kill anyone who crosses his path.

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