With the synchronization of workouts on the Apple Watch, do I still need my Garmin?

When the Apple Watch Ultra debuted last year, many comparisons were made between it and sports watches from Garmin, Coros, Polar and Suunto. But it turned out that the first-generation Watch Ultra was not quite ready to take the place of GPS sports watches. However, the potential was there.
A year later, with the arrival of the Watch Ultra 2 and watchOS 10, it is clear that Apple continues to develop its smartwatch to make it a real tool suitable for athletes. One of the features revealed at WWDC was the introduction of APIs for workout app developers so that they can send personalized workouts directly into the Apple Watch workout app.
What to do with Apple’s APIs?
Users of the watch could already create personalized workouts on the watch and use them with the Workout app. Now, the ability to synchronize these workouts from another source or provider streamlines the experience. And also provides a more detailed analysis of workouts outside the Workout app experience.
Since then, some developers have implemented this support. Last week I tested the integration of the TrainingPeaks application, one of the most popular training platforms for athletes. I was opened test accounts on TrainingPeaks and was provided with several running and cycling workouts. And a few coaches gave me advice during the test period. So let’s take a closer look at my experiences on the track and the bike path.
The Apple Watch Ultra for running
I spend most of my exercise time running or using a Hydrow rowing machine. Granted, it’s winter, but so I was ready to take up the challenge in the cold, the dark and the humidity.
Matthew Miller/ZDNET
After logging into the test TrainingPeaks account and selecting the appropriate options to connect TrainingPeaks to the Apple Watch, the workouts were synchronized to the Apple Watch Ultra 2. Once I arrived at the track, I selected the workout I wanted to perform – the session appeared in the Workout app with the TrainingPeaks logo to clearly distinguish it from Apple’s default workout options.
I selected the training session, chose the outdoor running option and designated the corridor in which I planned to run around the track.
The Apple Watch Ultra 2 provided me with audio indications on the planned distance and the target heart rate. While I was running, the watch informed me if I was above or below the desired heart rate zone. Honestly, this is one of the most useful aspects of the experience that has kept me on track for the heart rate-based workout.
Matthew Miller/ZDNET
Another extremely useful indicator on the watch was a quick visual that showed me the status of my progress, in the form of blue segments around a circle. I could quickly glance down and see how far I still had to go in a particular segment to manage my heart rate.
After the race, the workout appeared in Apple Workout and was also synchronized with the TrainingPeaks app on my iPhone.
Various details appeared in both applications, while the TrainingPeaks data fed the TrainingPeaks data and measurements. I was able to achieve a compliance rate of 96-97% with the planned training plan and it is clear that this success is due to the advice provided by the Apple Watch.
Matthew Miller/ZDNET
The Apple Watch Ultra rides a bike
If I often ride a bike, it’s mainly to get to work and often on an electric bike. So I dusted off my trusty 1994 Bridgestone XO-4 bike and checked my Garmin speed and cadence sensors.
It turns out that I have the original sensors that connect via ANT+ and therefore I could not connect them to my Apple Watch Ultra 2. If I continue to ride a bike for training, I may have to switch to the new Bluetooth sensor model.
Matthew Miller/ZDNET
watchOS 10 brings impressive features to the cycling experience, helping to turn an iPhone into a powerful bike computer.
In addition to supporting Bluetooth connections with cycling accessories, when you start a workout on your Apple Watch, it appears as a live activity on your iPhone, with various measurements and tips displayed on the full iPhone screen.
Matthew Miller/ZDNET
With the personalized training plans synchronized between TrainingPeaks and the Apple Watch Ultra 2, the TrainingPeaks experience is also displayed on the live activity screens.
This means that the indications about my planned heart rate appear on the iPhone screen, as well as the information about the next segment of the training plan. You can easily swipe left and right on the iPhone screens to display a large number of measurements and data about your route.
Matthew Miller/ZDNET
I would never use a watch to guide me through a bike training plan, because I have to stay focused on the path or the road. The fact that the watch powers the iPhone screen has been a great experience and the iPhone can now easily serve as my main bike computer.
Garmin has released excellent GPS sports watches over the past few years. But the development of watchOS by Apple and the support provided to third-party developers seriously question my need for a GPS watch dedicated to sports. I intend to continue exploring what Apple offers for personalized workouts. And I’ll keep you posted.
Source: “ZDNet.com “