AMD boosts its AI team with the French Mipsology

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AMD boosts its AI team with the French Mipsology

The American giant of graphics processors (GPU), Nvidia, is doing well. The new boom in artificial intelligence driven by the craze for LLM models and generative AI is exploding its sales.

The competition remains far behind. But it is organizing itself, like AMD. The processor seller wants to expand his resources and skills. For this, the founder has chosen to rely on a long-standing partner, the French Mipsology.

A ‘highly qualified software team’ at AMD

AMD announces the acquisition of the company located in Palaiseau, France. For the multinational, the challenge is to rally “Mipsology’s highly qualified software team” and to get hold of “its expertise in the supply of software and artificial intelligence solutions running on AMD’s adaptive computing silicon.”

The skills of Mipsology, a start-up founded in 2015, will join the AMD AI division in order to help the founder develop its artificial intelligence software development capabilities.

“More specifically, the team will contribute to the development of our complete AI software stack, expanding our open ecosystem of software tools, libraries and models in order to pave the way for a streamlined deployment of AI models running on AMD hardware,” the group details.

With the French, AMD is seizing solutions and tools for AI inference and optimization adapted to its own technologies. Mipsology is notably at the origin of the development of the Zebra AI software.

AI, a strategic priority and a driver of demand

Thanks to “this software flagship” and its support for industrial frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch and ONNX Runtime), AMD aims to accelerate the design of its own solutions for AI workloads.

“AI is our main strategic priority and an important driver of additional silicon demand over the next decade,” AMD emphasizes. So there’s no way to let Nvidia take advantage of it alone.

“By welcoming the competent Mipsology team to AMD, we will continue to strengthen our software capabilities to enable customers around the world to exploit the vast potential of ubiquitous AI,” he promises.

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