Apple sneaks into the AI race with “Apple GPT”

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Apple sneaks into the AI race with

This is the news we’ve all been waiting for. Apple is finally setting its sights on the generative AI segment and is joining, well, everyone else, to compete for the crown of artificial intelligence at OpenAI.

The news comes from Bloomberg who reports that the company is quietly working on a tool that engineers call “Apple GPT”, indirectly referring to ChatGPT, the most famous AI chatbot and, until recently, the fastest growing “application” of all time.

Apple built the AI chatbot service on proprietary models created by a framework called Ajax, which was first built last year and runs on Google Cloud.

Apple employees can only use the Apple GPT tool internally

This revelation comes a few months after OpenAI launched ChatGPT, which has become very popular, and prompting other competitors to join the generative AI developments, such as Bing Chat and Bing Image Creator from Microsoft, Google with Bard, or Meta.

Apple employees can only use the Apple GPT tool internally, and executives do not know when the service will be able to be deployed. The road is littered with pitfalls due to security issues that interrupted the creation process, but the tool is now available to some Apple employees. However, access to the tool requires special authorization and users are prohibited from using the results to develop features intended for customers.

While AI has become a hot topic in the media, Apple shocked many by barely mentioning it at its last Worldwide Developer Conference in June.

Tim Cook has remained very discreet on the issue of the adoption of generative AI

An analyst explains that AI has been the subject of a significant effort by Apple over the past few months, but that the teams are not ready to publicly disclose this information.

Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, has remained very discreet on the issue of adopting generative AI in more Apple products, although he has said that he uses ChatGPT. He has explained in the past that his concerns about generative AI are more related to security and that, although this technology has great potential, there are many problems that must be solved before adopting it.

Apple uses AI in its software on all its devices in the form of machine learning. Siri, his virtual assistant, uses machine learning and natural language processing and has already been improved thanks to the Ajax framework. Generative AI remains a challenge for the company, which is still trying to find a strategy before marketing the first Apple AI chatbot.

Source: “ “

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