Can I Use ARCore on iOS? Compatibility, Limitations, Alternatives

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Augmented Reality (AR) is an exciting technology that has gained significant popularity in recent years. One of the most popular AR development platforms is Google’s ARCore. However, many developers are wondering if they can use ARCore on iOS devices. In this article, we will explore the compatibility, limitations, and alternatives to using ARCore on iOS.


ARCore is designed to work with a variety of devices, including smartphones and tablets running Android 7.0 or later. However, it is not officially supported on iOS devices. While it is technically possible to run ARCore on an iOS device, the process is quite complex and requires significant technical expertise. As a result, most developers choose to use alternative AR development platforms that are specifically designed for iOS devices, such as Vuforia or Wikitude.


One of the main limitations of using ARCore on iOS devices is the limited hardware capabilities of iOS devices compared to Android devices. For example, iOS devices do not have access to the same range of sensors and cameras as Android devices, which can limit the quality and accuracy of AR experiences. Additionally, iOS devices do not support certain features of ARCore, such as plane detection and depth sensing, which are essential for many AR applications.


There are several alternative AR development platforms that are specifically designed for iOS devices. Vuforia is one of the most popular alternatives to ARCore, with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. Wikitude is another popular platform that offers a wide range of features and tools for developing AR experiences on iOS devices. Both Vuforia and Wikitude are compatible with a variety of devices, including iPhones and iPads running iOS 10 or later.

Case Study:

One company that has successfully used ARCore on an iOS device is Pokemon Go. While the game was initially developed for Android devices, it later added support for iOS devices using ARKit, Apple’s AR development platform. The game was a massive success and demonstrated the potential of AR on iOS devices.


While ARCore is not officially supported on iOS devices, there are several alternative AR development platforms that are specifically designed for iOS devices. Developers should carefully consider the limitations and capabilities of their target devices when choosing an AR development platform. By using the right tools and techniques, developers can create engaging and interactive AR experiences that work seamlessly across a variety of devices and platforms.


Q: Can I use ARCore on iOS devices?
A: While it is technically possible to run ARCore on an iOS device, it is not officially supported and requires significant technical expertise. There are several alternative AR development platforms that are specifically designed for iOS devices, such as Vuforia and Wikitude.

Q: What are the limitations of using ARCore on iOS devices?
A: The limited hardware capabilities of iOS devices compared to Android devices can limit the quality and accuracy of AR experiences. Additionally, iOS devices do not support certain features of ARCore, such as plane detection and depth sensing.

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