Canon presents its camera lens for filming in 3D

Canon has just announced a great first: a dual lens that allows you to shoot 180-degree stereoscopic images for virtual reality. This is a much less cumbersome and more practical solution than current two-camera systems.
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Virtual reality is experiencing unprecedented success, and Canon seems determined to launch into this new niche. The brand has just launched the first lens to shoot clips for virtual reality on a single sensor. The RF 5.2mm F2.8L Dual Fisheye is mounted directly on the Canon EOSEOS R5 camera, a much more compact solution than current alternatives.
To appear in three dimensions, the scenes must be stereoscopic, in other words filmed with two offset lenses to reproduce the gap between the eyes.eyes. This means that the solutions for filming for virtual reality integrate two cameras, and the images must then be synchronized during editing. With this new lens, the stereoscopic image is directly recorded on a single sensor, eliminating the step of synchronization.
Introducing the new RF 5.2 mm F2.8L Dual Fisheye lens that allows you to shoot for virtual reality. © Canon
A lens limited to a single camera model
The RF 5.2mm F2.8L Dual Fisheye has two fisheye lenses with a visual field of 190 °, offset by 60 millimeters to reproduce the pupil gap. It is only compatible with one camera, but does not require any special handling. EOS R5 users will now be able to switch from the standard photo to the VR180 3D in 8K simply by changing the lens.
The RF 5.2mm F2.8L Dual Fisheye lens will be available at the end of December at a price of 2,199.99 euros, a very affordable price for professional equipment, compared to the 4,500 euros for the purchase of the EOS R5 nu camera… Canon has also announced its own EOS VR Utility software as well as a pluginplugin for Adobe Premiere Pro.