Extreme experience: here is an iPhone after three years without a case

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Extreme experience: here is an iPhone after three years without a case

I admit that this is for me like a kind of crusade. On the one hand, there are companies that make splendid smartphones and on the other, a majority of people cover them with a filthy case to hide all their aesthetics.

I understand why you use a holster, don’t doubt it. You’re worried about bringing him down. You are worried that it will crash to the ground. You are afraid of repair costs. In fact, you don’t have confidence in yourself!

Is there a real risk in exposing the beauty of your smartphone to the outside world?

Yet whenever Tim Cook and his cronies present a new iPhone, they never wrap it in cotton wool. Or, in any case, not in plastic. So is there a real risk in exposing the beauty of your smartphone to the outside world?

The Apple company itself has hinted that it would like you to do this. So here I’m going to show you what happens to your iPhone if you throw off your caution and decide to live a little.

I bought my blue iPhone 12 three years ago. I never put it in a case. In fact, I have never put any of my smartphones in a case.

When it comes to using the smartphone or storing it, I either put it next to me when I work, or, when I go out, I slip it in my pocket. Never in the back pocket, always in a side pocket. I usually hold my phone with my right hand, so I put it in my right pocket, without worrying about which direction it may be facing.

Yes, I have brought it down more than once. No, it never broke, but wear and tear appeared over time. But in incomprehensible places.

So here is what it looks like after three years of perfect operation.

It peels off at the top

The biggest signs of degradation are on the back of the smartphone. You can theorize about the reasons for this phenomenon. I don’t have a clue.

Perhaps I have always put the smartphone in my pocket with the top part facing down, but even that would not explain exactly why it is this top face, on the back and not on the front, that has lost a lot of shine.

It’s not like I keep pebbles in the bottom of my pocket. It’s also not like I’m launching my phone in such a way that it lands on the top part first.


The paint has been eaten away. Chris Matyszczyk/ZDNET

What about the sides?

The sides also suffered a little, but not equally. The left side (with the screen turned towards me) struggled, in vain, to maintain its immaculate radiance. The right side, on the other hand, barely has a scratch.


It’s worn out, isn’t it? Chris Matyszczyk/ZDNET

I have (sometimes) wondered why this difference between the sides. Is there something I’m doing that exacerbates a bias? I don’t have a specific idea, but maybe I have an unconscious habit that causes the left side of my smartphone to suffer much more than the right side.


A strangely smooth right side. Chris Matyszczyk/ZDNET

And the bottom then? Not much!

We could imagine that the bottom of the iPhone has suffered a similar degradation to that of the top. But this is not the case! It is in relatively good condition. It’s not as if I’m choosing the side that is affected over another.

The mystery around the consequences of using an iPhone without a protective case therefore continues. With, who knows, how many nuances to come?


There are not many scratches on this part. Chris Matyszczyk/ZDNET

You can do it too!

I don’t think I treated my iPhone any worse than anyone else. I neither pampered him nor treated him with any particular complacency.

Basically, I always find the cases so unattractive that I persist, letting fate harass my smartphone as it sees fit. Anyway, aren’t we supposed to celebrate our scars rather than cover them up?

Maybe I didn’t persuade you to free your smartphone from captivity. Maybe you are even convinced that you should never consider removing your phone from its case, on any special occasion whatsoever.

But I’m here to help you, in my own way. Sometimes it’s worth exposing your flaws and letting people see you (just like your devices) in their ordinary state.

Source: “ZDNet.com “

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