Google Flights now tells you when you can get the cheapest flights

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Google Flights now tells you when you can get the cheapest flights

If you have already booked a plane ticket on Google Flights, you probably know the low, medium or high rating assigned to a reservation to tell you the type of offer you are benefiting from. But a new feature will allow you to know the date range in which you can book to get the lowest price.

Google Flights already has a price history function that allows users to view a graph of ticket prices over the past few months. Now, if the prices are normal or high, Google suggests booking dates where the prices will be lower. If the current price is low, Google estimates the time users have to book their flight.

To test this feature, I checked the potential flights between Paris and Toulouse. Google Flights told me that the current price for the planned dates was the lowest. He recommended that I book by September 10th.

Of course, buying a plane ticket at the exact moment when it is cheapest is not an exact science

By clicking on this recommendation, we get a little more information. Google adds: “The lowest prices for similar trips to Toulouse are usually offered about 1 to 4 months before takeoff. On average, the flights are then cheaper by € 11.”

The new dates estimated by Google are not available for all flights, but only for those for which there is enough data to make a correct estimate.

Of course, buying a plane ticket at the exact moment when it is cheapest is not an exact science, and you will find countless tips online to reach that magical moment. And just because tickets are historically cheaper in a given month does not mean that the same month next year will give the same result.

But Google believes in its algorithms so much that it has recently started guaranteeing the price of some flights. For some flights in the United States, Google Flights indicates a “guaranteed price”, which means that the price must remain the same until the flight departs. If the flight price drops, Google refunds the difference.

If you want to manually monitor the situation instead of relying on the date proposed by Google, you can activate Flights Price tracking, which automatically sends you an alert if the price of a ticket drops significantly.

Source: “ “

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