Is ARKit better than ARCore? Features, Comparison, Pros and Cons.

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ARKit vs ARCore: Which One is Right for You?

When it comes to developing augmented reality (AR) applications, two of the most popular platforms are ARKit and ARCore. Both offer a range of features and capabilities that can be used to create engaging and interactive experiences. However, choosing between these two platforms can be challenging for developers. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the features, comparison, pros and cons of each platform and help you decide which one is right for you.


ARKit is Apple’s augmented reality development framework that was first introduced with iOS 6 in 2012. It allows developers to create AR experiences for a range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and wearables. ARCore, on the other hand, is Google’s AR development platform that was first introduced in 2014. It’s designed to work with a wide range of devices and platforms, including Android, iOS, Windows, and macOS.


ARKit offers a number of features that make it easy for developers to create AR experiences. These include:

  • SceneKit: A powerful 3D graphics engine that allows developers to create realistic 3D models and animations.
  • Core ML: Apple’s machine learning framework that can be used to add intelligence and interactivity to AR experiences.
  • Image Tracking: ARKit supports a range of image tracking techniques, including plane detection, object detection, and marker tracking.
  • Scene Composition: Developers can use this feature to create custom AR scenes that include 3D models, lights, and effects.
  • Animation: ARKit offers a range of animation tools that allow developers to add movement and interactivity to their AR experiences.

ARCore also offers many features, including:

  • Trackable: A powerful tracking system that allows developers to track objects in real-time using cameras on multiple devices.
  • Depth Camera: A depth camera feature that allows developers to create 3D images and environments.
  • Motion Capture: ARCore supports motion capture technology that can be used to add realistic movement to 3D models.
  • Scene Composition: Similar to ARKit, ARCore also includes a scene composition feature that allows developers to create custom AR scenes.


When it comes to performance and stability, ARKit tends to be more stable than ARCore. Apple has a strict set of guidelines for developers when using the platform, which helps to ensure that apps are optimized for the platform. On the other hand, ARCore is more flexible, allowing developers to create apps for a wider range of devices and platforms.

ARKit also tends to be easier to use than ARCore. Apple has a large community of developers who have created a wealth of resources and tutorials that make it easy to get started with the platform. ARCore, on the other hand, can be more challenging to learn, especially for developers who are new to augmented reality development.

Pros and Cons

ARKit offers a number of advantages, including:

  • Stability: As mentioned earlier, ARKit is known for its stability and performance.
  • Easy to Use: ARKit has a large community of developers who have created resources that make it easy to get started with the platform.
  • Integration with Apple’s Ecosystem: ARKit integrates well with other Apple platforms, including iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS.

ARCore offers a number of advantages as well, including:

  • Flexibility: ARCore is more flexible than ARKit, allowing developers to create apps for a wider range of devices and platforms.
  • Advanced Features: ARCore includes advanced features like motion capture, which can be used to add realistic movement to 3D models.
  • Integration with Google’s Ecosystem: ARCore integrates well with other Google platforms, including Android, Chrome OS, and Windows.


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