Sony presents its first screen that allows you to create holographic images without headphones

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Sony has just announced its Spatial Reality Display, a 4K holographic screen sold for 5,000 US dollars. The display provides a stereoscopic view thanks to an optical micro-objective and also integrates eye tracking, which adapts the view of 3D objects according to the user’s position.

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For artists and engineers who work on virtual objects, virtual reality headsets, virtual or augmented reality headsets do not necessarily correspond to their needs. Sony has just announced a new alternative to these devices in the form of a “spatial reality screen” called Spatial Reality Display.

The device works thanks to an “optical micro-lens” that allows a stereoscopic view without the need to wear special glasses. The Spatial Reality Display measures 15.6 inches and displays a 4K definition (3,840 pixelspixels x 2,160 pixels). Sony announces 100% support for the Adobe RVBRVB color space.

Professionals testify about their experience with the Spatial Reality Display. © Sony

A display that follows the user’s movements

This is not the first holographic screen, and it differs from its competitor, the Looking Glass, thanks to its eye-to-eye tracking which determines the exact position in the user’s space and changes the display according to his movements.movements. Thus, by leaning it is possible to see on the side of a virtual object as if it were actually present. However, this means that the screen only works with one user.

The screen is compatible with the Unity and Unreal Engine 4 game engines and will require a sufficiently powerful computercomputer. Sony recommends at least one processorIntel Core i7-9700K processor and a graphics cardgifi GeForce RTX 2070 Super graphics card. The Spatial Reality Display will be available to the general public in November directly on its website. With a price of 5,000 US dollars (4,260 euros approximately), potential buyers will certainly have the means to equip themselves with a state-of-the-art computer to accompany it.

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