YouTube: the success of ads among teens

Going for a walk on YouTube is a routine for many teenagers today. Indeed, within Generation Z, almost eight out of ten people consult the platform regularly and distribute content there. Even more interesting: 60% of young users watch the ads rather than skip them and 50% say they remember the ads they have seen on YouTube, report the latest report from Precise TV and Giraffe Insights.
Google’s video platform saw its advertising revenues grow by 4.4% in the second quarter of 2023 and this is no coincidence. Brands have understood that it is necessary to be present on YouTube to reach Internet users born between 1997 and 202. The audience is strong, loyal and committed. The perfect cocktail to work on your reputation and influence future purchases. The data also show that this audience remembers almost twice as much the ads seen on YouTube as those seen on TikTok.
The figures of the study are interesting and highlight the habits of young Internet users in terms of video consumption. As mentioned above, 80% of teens are present on YouTube, which makes it an essential platform. It is also noticed that :
- 45% of Generation Z is likely to remember an advertisement seen on the platform.
- According to analysts, YouTube is the site on which teenagers see the most qualitative and attractive advertisements.
- One in five young people says that checking YouTube is part of their daily routine.
With the rise of connected TVs, advertisers are following the trend and reviewing their budgets by moving traditional TV ads to YouTube. The results seem to convince more than one: companies, agencies, media and brands are increasingly betting on the platform as their main video channel.