ChatGPT traffic in free fall: fortunately the students are here!

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  ChatGPT traffic in free fall: fortunately the students are here!

ChatGPT was the first AI chatbot to become really popular. But many rivals have entered the scene, creating equally successful generative AI models. As a result, over the past few months, ChatGPT’s traffic has suffered, but the start of the new school year could be its lifeline.

The analysis company SimiliarWeb has been monitoring the performance of ChatGPT, whose traffic has fallen for three consecutive months. ChatGPT’s traffic has dropped in recent months. But August put an end to this decline, as shown in the graph below (audience USA).

ChatGPT traffic chart


This change in trend could be attributed to the fact that American students returned to school during this period. “One theory about the drop in ChatGPT web traffic during the summer is that the school was closed, which would explain why the traffic trend stabilized in August, as American schoolchildren returned to class in towards the end of the month,” Similiarweb said in the blog post.

Students use ChatGPT to eliminate unnecessary tasks

To support this conclusion, the months of May, June and July saw a 3% decrease in the number of users in the 18-24 age group, which had reached 30% in April. This decrease is probably due to the fact that most American universities close their doors for the summer at the beginning of May. The same slight growth was observed in the group of 18-24 ChatGPT users in August, which made it possible to compensate for the decline of the previous months.

College age share of audience for ChatGPT chart


Students use ChatGPT for school because AI chatbots can help eliminate unnecessary tasks and answer questions about the material learned in class. For example, ChatGPT can help with essay writing, searching for information for articles, solving mathematical equations, debugging code, creating Excel formulas, conversational explanation of any topic, and much more.

Source: “ “

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