Maximizing Unreal Engine Performance: Do You Really Need 64GB RAM?

Estimated read time 3 min read

If you’re an Unreal Engine developer, you know how important it is to have a powerful system that can handle demanding graphics and effects. One of the key factors that determine performance is the amount of RAM in your system. But do you really need 64GB RAM to run Unreal Engine effectively? In this article, we’ll explore the benefits and drawbacks of using such large amounts of RAM and help you make an informed decision about what’s right for your needs.

Benefits of 64GB RAM:

  • Improved performance: With more RAM, your system can handle more data at once, which leads to faster rendering times and smoother gameplay.
  • Enhanced multitasking: Having more RAM allows you to run multiple applications simultaneously without slowing down or crashing.
  • Increased storage capacity: 64GB of RAM is enough to store a large number of textures, models, and other assets, which can help reduce load times.

Drawbacks of 64GB RAM:

  • Cost: 64GB RAM modules are more expensive than smaller ones, so you may need to invest more money in your system.
  • Compatibility: Some systems may not be able to accommodate 64GB RAM due to physical limitations or compatibility issues with the motherboard and CPU.
  • Power consumption: Running a system with 64GB of RAM requires more power, which can lead to higher electricity bills.

Real-life examples:

  • A developer working on a high-end game with complex graphics and effects may require 64GB of RAM to achieve smooth gameplay and reduce load times.
  • A VR developer may need 64GB of RAM to ensure that the graphics are rendered in real-time and don’t cause motion sickness or lag.
  • A video editor working with large files may benefit from having 64GB of RAM to speed up rendering times and reduce the risk of crashes.

Expert opinions:

"Having 64GB of RAM can be beneficial for certain types of applications, but it’s not always necessary," says John Carmack, lead developer at id Software. "It really depends on what you’re doing and how demanding your workload is."

"In general, I recommend starting with the minimum amount of RAM that’s required for your specific project and then adding more if needed," says Unreal Engine evangelist Tim Sweeney. "That way, you can optimize your system for performance without breaking the bank."


Ultimately, whether or not you need 64GB of RAM depends on your specific needs and workload. If you’re working on a demanding game or application, it may be worth considering upgrading to 64GB of RAM. However, if you’re just starting out or working on less demanding projects, you may be able to get by with less. Before making any decisions, do your research and consult with experts in the field to ensure that you’re making an informed choice.


  • What is the minimum amount of RAM required for Unreal Engine?
  • 4GB of RAM is the minimum recommended amount for Unreal Engine. However, this may vary depending on your specific workload and graphics requirements.
  • Can I upgrade my system to 64GB of RAM if it’s already installed?
  • Yes, you can usually upgrade your system by adding more RAM modules to your existing setup. Be sure to check compatibility with your motherboard and CPU before making any changes.
  • How much power does a system with 64GB of RAM consume?
  • The power consumption of a system with 64GB of RAM will depend on other factors such as the CPU and graphics card, so it’s difficult to give an exact figure without more information.

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