Sequins, uniform and false profiles: the series of your summer

Zapping Decrypted is going to take up summer quarters. But, it was out of the question to leave you without suggestions for a month. So, here is a selection of very nice entertainment, all of which can be found on Netflix and Prime Video. Most of the series listed have been renewed for a second season, which will arrive soon.
Fake profile: Beware of Tinder
Fake profile is a Colombian series, which takes up the codes of telenovelas of which Zapping Decrypted is a fan. Camila, a dancer in Las Vegas, falls for a man on Tinder. She meets him, a love story comes to life. But, as we suspect from the title of the series, his profile is fake. So Camila will start looking for him, in Colombia. Surprise: Fernando is not who she thought he was. This is good: Camila is not the one he believed either.
If you think that you will still find yourself in front of a moralizing story, in the mode of “people should not be trusted blindly on a dating site / social network”, rest assured, this is not the case. The important word to qualify this series is indeed telenovela. So, you have sex, intrigue, money, deaths, corruption and nice clothes.
The rhythm is perfect, the actors are credible and the place given to computers is correct, without overdoing it. We can’t tell you more without spoiling the plot — which would be a shame – but, if you’re going to an Airbnb for your vacation, remember to check if there are any surveillance cameras lying around without your knowledge.
Fake Profile is available on Netflix and a second season is in the works.
AlRawabi School for Girls: not everything is perfect in Jordan
We warn you right away: he is difficult to watch. Mariam is enrolled in a school for girls of good society in Jordan. But, she is targeted by three classmates, who will beat her up. Following this, Mariam decides to take revenge. Then again, we can think that we have already seen this type of story arc in many films and series. Think again.
The series contains only six episodes, but, a new season is scheduled and should arrive very soon. There are three elements to remember. The first — and this is what justifies its evocation here — is that the more you are going to restrain a teenager, the more he will play with limits. The girls at the school don’t rub shoulders with boys. This does not prevent them from talking to them, flirting on social networks, using different schemes. The second point is the social criticism that is being made of Jordanian society.
The series has caused ink to flow in Jordan and when you see it, you will understand why. The third element is the reversal of the situation. The last episode is extremely brutal. Your point of view will change.
AlRawabi School for Girls is a success, from all points of view. The actresses are very convincing, the story holds up and for Millennium fans, a character will remind you of Lisbeth Salander: Noaf. The creators of the series made her the same look, but also gave her certain character traits that we find in Lisbeth. We may think that this was done out of ease, but we will be lenient on this point because the whole thing holds up.
AlRawabi School for Girls is available on Netflix and the next season should be broadcast very soon, although the dates are not yet known.
XO. Kitty : blue flower sitcom
We stay in private schools, but in a largely less thinking atmosphere. XO. Kitty is a spin off of a series of films “to all the boys I’ve loved”. Kitty is a young girl, comfortable in her own skin, madly in love with a boy. Problem: he lives in Seoul and she in Portland. Never mind that. She decides to join KISS, the high school that her mother attended and to join Dae. Heading to South Korea.
We warn you right away: it’s 100% marshmallow, 100% blue flower, but above all 100% feel good. Drama series are good, but sometimes we mentally need something light, cute, funny. XO. Kitty perfectly meets these specifications. You will not see the time passing at all and at the end of the last episode, you will say to yourself: but, I want the sequel!
Only bad point, but, it’s only because we’re nitpicking, technically, the details related to IT don’t hold up too well. We forgive this ease of scenario, simply because the story is cute. Even Min Ho, the handsome kid imbued with himself, ends up becoming endearing. The great strength of this series is precisely that we love (almost) all the characters. So, give Kitty and her positive energy a chance.
XO. Kitty is available on Netflix and the second season should also arrive very quickly.
Heidi and Dolores, the new entrants to the pantheon of women who should not be bothered
If you liked Planet Terror, you will love Mad Heidi. In a Switzerland transformed into a cheese dictatorship, the young Heidi spends peaceful days in her Alps, between her grandfather and her lover, a goat farmer. Alas, his love is killed by the regime and Heidi is arrested.
Thrown into a prison, she manages to escape and decides to take revenge. Normally, at this point, your reaction is “that sounds totally dumb. I HAVE to watch this movie”. No trace of computers in this film scripted by an LSD addict, but, if you want to laugh for 1 hour 30 minutes, above all, go for it. More seriously, if you know the history of the Third Reich well, you will find some references. It’s irreverent, it’s stupid as possible, but it’s extremely funny.
In the same genre “the screenwriter takes recreational substances and we want the same ones”, let’s quote Dolores Roach. Dolores is in a relationship with a drug dealer, who is tipping her off. She spends 16 years in prison. She leaves in a city she no longer recognizes, in a society she doesn’t really understand. Glow in the night – ok, it’s daylight, but don’t pretend not to understand — her favorite empanadas stall where she literally finds refuge.
She gets her bearings and gets into a relationship with the manager of the shop, who also acts as a cook. A stupid accident — which never tried to kill its owner – makes it take another direction of life. Unlike Mad Heidi, there are computers and a bit of tricks to cover up the traces of Luis’s blunders. Blumhouse production, The Horror of Dolores Roach is quite successful. On the other hand, don’t eat while you’re watching it or bet on vegetables. Mad Heidi and Dolores Roach are available on Prime Video.
Zapping Decrypted wishes you a nice summer and will meet you in September.