This virtual reality headset allows you to do only one thing

Estimated read time 3 min read

While Apple has just unveiled its Vision Pro all-purpose mixed reality headset, the Sol Reader company is looking to stand out with a headset aimed at promoting concentration on a single activity: reading.

In the midst of the effervescence of augmented and virtual reality, the Sol Reader company stands out for a truly different approach. After a fundraising of $ 5 million, the startup launches a new product on the market: glasses designed for reading, blocking any potential distractions.

Read, and only read

Ben Chelf, CEO of Sol, expresses some skepticism about the proliferation of connected devices and realities of all kinds: “At Sol, we are less concerned with spatial computing or augmented and virtual realities, and we are more interested in how our personal devices can encourage us to use our time wisely”. Sol Reader is therefore an answer to this question, a solution to relearn how to concentrate on a single task, in this case reading.

The operation of the device is simple: it fits like a pair of glasses and blocks all distractions during reading. Thus, even in a world where the frantic pace of life and the omnipresence of digital technology can sometimes hinder our ability to concentrate, Sol Reader offers a return to the sources: a book, attention.

The helmet, offered at a price of 350 dollars and currently on pre-order, comes in several colors. It is equipped with a pair of illuminated screens on the sides, which use electronic ink technology, like Kindle e-readers. The device is supplied with a remote control and a charger. A full battery allows about 25 hours of reading, more than enough to engulf a good literary pavement.

Another practical advantage of the Sol Reader is its integrated diopter adjustment. The wearers of glasses and contact lenses can thus use these glasses without the need for additional visual correction. The screens are 1.3-inch e-ink displays, with a resolution of 256 x 256 per eye. With a storage capacity of 64 MB, the glasses can hold a significant amount of books, ideal for long-term vacations.

Sol Reader closed last year a financing of 5 million dollars, which allowed it to set up a private beta of its glasses with a small number of testers in early access. Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not give a date for the launch of the first deliveries for the general public. It remains to be seen now if such a product really has a use, knowing that there is no shortage of ways to read books, whether with a tablet, a PC, a Kindle-type reader … or simply good old paper books!

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