Apple’s mixed reality headset is expected to be released on this date

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Without much surprise, Apple has further postponed the launch of its future virtual reality caskevirtual and augmented reality headset, already postponed multiple times since its initial launch date scheduled for 2019. The firm had not officially announced a date, but several sources expected a launch this spring. According to Bloomberg, Apple has finally decided to postpone the presentation of the headset for two months.

So this means that the announcement should be made at the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in June. A choice that will allow the manufacturer to solve the latest technical problems and above all to present it directly to the developers. Apple will need to seduce them in order to be able to offer enough content to the general public when its headphones are available for purchase.

A high-end headset, very expensive…

As a reminder, this is a high-end mixed reality headset, integrating both augmented reality and virtual reality. The device will undoubtedly be called Reality Pro, with a new operating systemxros operating system. There will be an application storeapplications with 3D versions of basic applications such as Messages, Mail, Safari and Apple TV. The helmet will integrate two 4K micro Oled OLED displays with a field of view of 120 degrees as well as numerous cameras for tracking eyes, facial expressions, as well as the body (hands and legs).

Regarding the price, Apple product specialists give estimates between 2,000 and 3,000 dollars, but more and more are leaning towards the top of the range. So we would be at almost twice the price of the Meta Quest Pro. Only the Microsoft Hololens 2 are more expensive, displayed at $ 3,500. Apple is also reportedly working on another headset, which is cheaper, but will not be released until at least 2024.

Apple’s mixed reality headset should finally be coming soon

The long-awaited augmented and virtual reality headset from Apple would finally be approaching. According to some sources, the firm could unveil the device in the spring, for a launch later this year.

Article by Edward BackEdward Back, published on 01/09/2023

After long years of development, it seems that Apple is finally preparing to unveil its first mixed reality headset. The device, which will allow the brand to tackle Meta on the metaverse terrain, could be called “Reality Pro”. The official announcement is expected to fall in the spring, before the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in June, according to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman. The date has been pushed back several times, with Apple initially hoping to launch the headset in 2019.

The device should offer both augmented and virtual reality, with two micro Oled 4K4K displays that offer a field of view of 120 degrees. It would embed the Apple M2 processor in order to be able to work autonomously, like the Quest 2 and Quest Pro from Meta. The helmet will integrate more than a dozen cameras and sensorssensors located inside and outside the device. He will thus be able to follow the movement of the eyes, in particular allowing the foveal rendering, improving the quality of the image in the center of the gaze and limiting the quality around in order to save resources.

A helmet with body tracking and facial expressions

The headset will also be able to track facial expressions, body movements and even legs, which will make it possible to fully animate avatars in virtual worlds. A screen on the outside of the helmet will display the wearer’s expression so as not to isolate him from his surroundings in the real world. The battery would be offset and would cling to the waist in order to reduce the weight of the helmet. The user can therefore simply replace the battery rather than having to wait for charging or use the headphones while connected thanks to a long and inconvenient cable. The operating system, known until now under the name Reality OS or rOS, would finally be baptized xrOS (XR being the abbreviation of mixed reality).

According to previous information, the announcement of the headset was expected for this month. However, according to Ming-Chi Kuo, a specialist in the brand, the testing of the components and the software development of the headset have been delayed. Therefore, the device will probably not be available until the third quarter of 2023. Apple has reportedly already sent copies to a small number of third-party developers, which confirms that the launch is approaching, and that the headset could be officially announced as early as this spring.

The helmet would have priority over the other products of the brand

Apple would currently give priority to headphones, which would have repercussions on the other products of the brand. On the software side, the developers being focused on xrOS, the number of new features in iOS 17 and macOS 14 would be reduced compared to those originally planned. On the hardware side, Apple has nothing notable planned for its iPadiPad, Apple Watch and audio accessories. Even the new iPad Pro model with an Oled display will not be launched until 2024.

Regarding the price of the helmet, current estimates are between 2,000 and 3,000 dollars. It would therefore be more expensive than the Meta Quest Pro, its main competitor, currently sold for 1,799 euros.

The characteristics of Apple’s first VR and AR headset are revealed

Expected at the end of 2022, Apple’s first headset combining augmented and virtual realities should be equipped with two 4K micro Oled displays and the powerful M1M1 chip already present in the new Macbooks.

Article by Louis NeveuLouis Neveu, published on 11/30/2021

As soon as Apple shows signs of interest in a technology, rumors fly and analysts take the opportunity to create a buzz. This is the case of Ming Chi Kuo, an expert on the brand, whose predictions prove to be almost systematically correct. It has been assumed for several months that the brand is developing an augmented reality headset that is also capable of displaying virtual reality. It must be said that, as Meta/Facebook puts the packagepackage on the metaverse, it is better not to miss the check mark.

However, according to the information collected by the analyst, this VR headset would be equipped with the powerful M1 chip that now equips the Macbooks and the iPad Pro. Suffice to say that it will be designed to work autonomously like the Oculus Quest 2, but in an ultra-vitamin version. Another processor, a little less powerful, should also be present in order to manage the calculations related to the different sensors.

The replacement for the iPhone in ten years

According to the analyst, to properly ensure the display of augmented reality, the headset actually requires this additional chip to manage the 6 to 8 optical modules that should equip the headset in order to deliver the display in augmented reality. As for the displays planned for virtual reality, the expert emphasizes that the technology used for the screens would come from Sony and that they would be micro Oled panels. Still according to Ming Chi Kuo, the VR headset stamped Apple could be released at the end of the year of 2020. Finally, the expert claims that, within ten years, this type of headset could well replace the iPhone.

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