Bouygues Telecom Entreprises promises a 3-year warranty and a smartphone exchange the day after the breakdown

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Bouygues Telecom Entreprises promises a 3-year warranty and a smartphone exchange the day after the breakdown

In France, no less than 10.6 million mobile lines (excluding MtoM) are sold to companies. Enough to give work to purchasing managers to rationalize and optimize telecommunications expenses. And telecommunications operators compete in ingenuity to attract a clientele that sometimes brings them whole fleets of smartphones to manage, and to bill. Above all, the development of a service offer often makes it possible to adjust prices.

Bouygues Telecom Entreprise thus announces the launch on the market of “its first range of packages including the guarantee of the terminal for 3 years (for a commitment of 24 or 46 months) and the replacement of it in case of breakdown on D + 1”.

Delivery can be made anywhere in metropolitan France, whether at the office, at home, or even on the go. For comparison, Orange offers “An immediate mobile phone loan for 30 days in store and within 24 hours for 45 days via customer service”. SFR Business assures that you can receive “within 24 hours at the address of your choice an identical or equivalent refurbished terminal”.

“Optimize depreciation, management and repair costs”

These two services are “usually offered as an option” according to Bouygues.

“The terminal’s 3-year warranty makes it possible to optimize the depreciation, management and repair costs of their mobile fleet and thus rationalize their costs while inscribing their activity in a more sustainable approach” indicates François Treuil, Director of the operator’s Business Market.

The desire to integrate these services into professional packages is also a response to a fundamental trend. Due to inflation, 51% of French subscribers plan to change their mobile phone operator in the coming months. Above all, the prices of mobile packages began to climb in 2022, encouraging customers to go elsewhere.

Pro offers must beef up their services to retain their customers

In this context, if low-cost subscriptions should succeed on the consumer market, pro offers must be beefed up in services to try to retain their customers.

And all the more so since the innovation premium does not seem to be paying off. Only 34% of French consumers say they are willing to pay a little more for their subscription to benefit from a 5G connection. Even more annoying, almost half of consumers (48%) say they see no interest in switching to the new wireless communication standard.

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