Generative AI penetrates the French company without a clear framework of use

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Generative AI penetrates the French company without a clear framework of use

The Forrester firm is convinced of this, generative AI is the most important technological advance since the Internet. This same network is now a matter of course in companies. But its adoption forced companies to define rules at the beginning.

In the field of generative AI, this framework of use is still very often lacking, finds a study conducted by Salesforce in France. Thus, 87% of the employees surveyed declare that no “clearly defined policy” has been foreseen by their company.

Employers caught up in speed and not listened to

The absence of a policy does not slow down the uses, even if they are still far from concerning a majority of employees. They would be 18% in France to use it in the professional context. And therefore not always with the approval of the employer.

Salesforce indicates that “more than half do it outside a framework defined by their employer”, i.e. 58%. This unidentified use poses trust and security problems, recalls the publisher.

But in addition, “this figure reveals that companies are not yet aware that generative AI is disrupting the organization of work.”As a provider of Gen AI solutions, Salesforce does not fail to highlight the benefits for employees.

Among professional users of these technologies, 68% declare themselves to be more productive (68%) and more involved (63%). But not necessarily transparent about these gains internally. Thus, 71% of French people have already presented work done by generative AI as their own.

The indiscipline of French employees

However, this mystification may stem precisely from the absence of a clear company policy and support for uses, for example via risk awareness and prompt training actions.

In this managerial blur, 58% of employees say that they have already used tools that have not been formally approved beforehand by management. The shortcomings in terms of policy are not the only factor.

49% have used explicitly prohibited tools. The French stand out in this sector since this share is three times higher than that of British employees. Salesforce therefore notes “the indiscipline of French employees.”

The firm sees this as a danger regarding the ethical and trustworthy use of generative AI, for which it “necessarily goes through the adoption of programs approved by the company.”Provided, therefore, that such guidelines exist.

The advantages of AI Gen on attractiveness and recruitment

For Kheira Boulhila, Vice President of Salesforce, “Generative AI will continue to impose itself in companies with or without a framework defined by companies. They have every interest in anticipating this phenomenon.”

Following up on this recommendation would also be of interest for the employer brand and the attractiveness of the company. “30% of French workers would be more attracted by a company that is proactive in the use of generative AI,” justifies the leader.

In addition, 37% believe that AI Gen would increase their degree of job satisfaction. For their employability and their salary, AI would also be perceived as an asset by 32% of French respondents. And in order to benefit from it, 27% would consider exaggerating their generative AI skills.

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