The digital life card deployed in 8 departments

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The digital life card deployed in 8 departments

Official documents are being digitised. Thus, identity cards and driving licenses are now, and gradually, available in 100% paperless formats. Regarding the permit, the tests have begun and the generalization via the France Identity application is planned in 2024.

Regarding the vital card too, 2024 should be a pivotal year. At the moment, the digital version of the card only concerns people attached to the Health Insurance of eight departments.

A gradual deployment by the end of 2025

To access the application, which therefore replaces the traditional smart card, it is currently essential to be affiliated to the Health Insurance, the MSA or the MGEN of the Alpes-Maritimes, Rhône, Sarthe, Loire-Atlantique, Puy-de-Dôme, Bas-Rhin, Saône-et-Loire and Seine-Maritime.

It is also advisable to be over 16 years old and above all to be equipped with a smartphone running iOS 7 or Android 12, at least. For the other departments and social insured persons, we will still have to wait. A gradual deployment throughout the French territory is planned during 2024.

In the meantime, holders and candidates for the digital vital card can replace – or simply complete – the physical version with a mobile application installed on their smartphone. The app allows access to his care expenses over the 7 days following the visit to a health professional.

An optional and non-biometric card

The installation of the carte vitale application for eligible persons requires their existing physical card or their digital social security number. An identity document will also be required during the process.

Note that the use of the application does not require an internet connection. To connect to the card, healthcare professionals must have a compatible tool, either a QR Code reader or an NFC reader.

It should be noted that the digital map is not intended – at present – to replace its physical variation. It is in no way mandatory, nor is the vital card in general.

In February, the Cnil recalled the various points of attention taken into account during the examination of the draft text. The Commission stressed in particular “the balance to be found between the offer of an innovative digital service making it possible to simplify the daily lives of users and the need not to accentuate the digital divide.”

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